With China playing a more significant role in world affairs, there has been a growing interest in America for learning Mandarin by adults, youth and children.
Given this demand, Sui Wah School has established a program to offer Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced level Mandarin classes for youth and adults; Level I to IV Mandarin classes for children ages 3-14 years old.
The earlier children are exposed to learning a foreign language, the easier they are able to acquire it. Sui Wah School thus offers yearlong Mandarin classes for children. They will learn the language and culture in active classroom environments.
For the children’s classes, instruction focuses on everyday spoken Mandarin. Children learn a dynamic mix of Chinese language and culture through games, songs, stories and nursery rhymes in Levels I and II. Reading and basic characters and the Pinyin Romanization are integrated into the curriculum in Levels III and IV.
Instructors are native Mandarin speakers with advanced degrees, training, and experience in teaching Mandarin to non-Chinese speakers.
Children Class Time and Fees
Regular classes: 10 months from August to May
Summer session: 6 weeks from mid-June to July
Class Time: Sundays, except Sui Wah School holidays 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Instruction: 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon Review/ Tutorial (Optional) Enrollment is ongoing. Join anytime.

Tuition and other fees per student per year:
Regular class:
$900 for the first child; A 10% discount for each additional child
Review / Tutorial: $160 (Currently not available)
Book Fee: $30
An additional $10 non-refundable registration fee will be added

Students aged 3 to 14 years may apply for admission.
***Our youngest children must be toilet trained***
Language Ability:
Knowledge of Chinese is not a prerequisite; we only require a student's willingness to learn.
Our annual tuition is $ 900 payable in equal installments at the beginning of each semester. If there is more than one child enrolling in the same family, there will be a 5% discount per school year for each child from the second child on.
Other fees - At the beginning of each school year, each student must pay an additional $30 for a textbook; and $80 annual operation fee
New Student - An additional $10 non-refundable registration fee will be added.
Enroll Now
1. Download and fill out this PDF form, submit via mail/ email: contact@suiwah.org
2. Mail your payment to: Sui Wah School c/o 2909 Woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, HI 96822